Faria M, López MA, Díez S, Barata C, 2010, Are native naiads more tolerant to pollution than exotic freshwater bivalve species? An hypothesis tested using physiological responses of three species transplanted to mercury contaminated sites in the Ebro River (NE, Spain), Chemosphere 81:1218-1226.
外来種であるタイワンシジミ、ゼブラマッスルと在来種のP. littoralisをin situで水銀曝露させた論文です。在来種の致死率が一番高かった。
Gevertz AK, Tucker AJ, Bowling AM, Williamson CE, Oris JT, 2012, Differential tolerance of native and nonnative fish exposed to ultraviolet radiation and fluoranthene in Lake Tahoe (California/Nevada), USA, Environ Toxicol Chem 31:1129-1135.
Fedorenkova A, Vonk JA, Breure AM, Hendriks AJ, Leuven RSEW, 2013, Tolerance of native and non-native fish species to chemical stress: a case study for the River Rhine, Aquatic Invasions 8:231-241.
ライン川の在来魚36種と外来魚24種の毒性試験データを用いて全21物質のSSD (Species Sensitivity Distribution) を作成した論文。わずか数種の感受性だけを比較して結論を出す論文が多い中、良い方向性。傾向としては外来種の方がHC50が大きいけれど、どの物質でも統計的な有意差はなかったとのことです。
Weir SM, Salice CJ, 2011, Managing the risk of invasive species: How well do functional traits determine invasion strategy and success?, Integ Environ Assess Manag 7:299-300.
Learned Discourses。耐性だけじゃなくて、増殖速度も一緒に考えようという話。